Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jon Stewart Tell's It Like It Is!

"Or how bout this, here's one: the wall street firms who were given access to the discounted borrowing window at the Federal Reserve or the 5 billion in direct federal payments to America's moocher farmers OR the incredible tax breaks the government gives the investor class who's money is taxed at a capital gains rate of 15 percent as opposed to ordinary "having a job" income which can be taxed up to 35%. Boy I wish we had a poster boy for that element of the moochocracy. Oh right."  

"In 2010 Governor Romeny had an adjusted gross income of 21.6 million dollars, yet paid only $3 million in federal income tax or 13.9%.  Without the preferential investor tax code, Romney would have paid 7.56 million dollars - a government subsidy of 4.56 million dollars.  Or to put that absolutely "fair" tax break given to a job creator in moocher class dependency terms: enough foodstamps to feed Mr. Romney through the year 4870.  By the way that's no bullsh#!t, that's the math. "

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