Thursday, July 23, 2009

The 8-ball knows all...

Sister says:

So I asked the eight ball if mom should go to Thailand and the eight ball said "no" i wasnt sure if that was the right answer so then I asked again and it said "try again later" so I asked it one more time and it said "concentrate and ask again" so last but not least I tried one more time and.......

So I guess the answer is no

If you know my Mom, you can see how powerfully correct the 8-ball is. I need to ask the 8-ball if Mom is coming with me to Sweden...


  1. you still have a magic 8 ball?! hahahah i loved those things.

  2. I'm bringing the 8-ball back. Nish and Joel bought me one and it lives in San Diego. I think our household might need one too...
