Friday, October 3, 2008

I Heart Google

5 words:


Now that I'm on the RAS R&D mailing lists I keep getting all these e-mails in Danish and I have no idea what they mean - oh, but wait a minute, yes I do! I've enjoyed translating the RESONNET internal announcements - those have been fun :)

From Santa Barbarian Chica Meats Denmark

Original text:
For helvede da også….

Translation: Danish » English
Goddamn also ....


  1. Online translators are great for single words or small sentences, but can come up with hilarious stuff.

    My brain:
    You bought a new car? That's great!

    My brain thinking in German:
    Sie haben einen neuen Wagen gekauft? Das ist toll!

    Google translate from my German to its English:
    They have bought a new wagon? That's great!

    Google from its own English to its own German:
    Sie gekauft haben eine neue Wagen? Das ist toll!

    (Word order is incorrect and also an indefinite article is used with a plural, i.e. 'a cars')

    What? The English and German languages are too similar? OK let's try Japanese.

    Tomorrow I plan to hang out with the department manager Mr. Yamada and my co-workers from the office at a pub.


    Google translate:
    Yamada tomorrow in a pub manager and employees of the company's co-workers are going to play with them.

  2. Hey Shobs - it's Curly. Sounds like you are having a blast in Denmark! I'm jealous. I'm planning to take at least a year off to travel, hopefully around next spring. Maybe I'll make it to your part of the world. Interesting coincidence - I'm a programmer too, although I'm doing network security stuff these days, not really software eng. Hope you're doing well!

