Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ike's Debut

Let's just say its been a long time coming. Sadly, I've left Ike-the-bike sitting in the garage in a bike box for far too long. Ike's been on quite a journey, moving from Santa Barbara to Denmark to Sweden and then returning home to me in Portland. Admitedly, I did have a driving force to finish this task. I promised T that I would have Ike unpacked and assembled by my birthday. T had so kindly, carefully, lovingly wrapped and boxed Ike and shipped him from Sweden (and that wasn't an inexpensive ride). I really owe it to T (and Ike) to get my trusty bike back on the road. I don't even want to tell you the last time I rode him... it's just embarrassing. Some photos of Ike's grand release:

Ike the bike in the garage, where he's been sitting collecting dust. Finally the box has been opened!

Ike's first breaths of fresh air as he's release out into the open

All the king's horses and all the king's men managed to put Ike together again. Yay!

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