Saturday, May 7, 2011


Tied 3-3 that went into sudden death overtime. The winning goal was shot in 56 seconds. Yup. I was there.

After each Winterhawks goal, they play "TNT" and the whole crowd stands up and chants "Fight! Fight! Fight!" It's contagious. You'll be the odd man out if you don't join in. Gotta give some props to the Winterhawk fans. There may not match in numbers to Blazer or Timber fans, but they still have a crazy passion for their team.

A co-worker of mine went to a game with his son the first time. At the ticket box, a sweet old lady probably around 70yrs told the kid, "oh you're going to want to yell fight, fight, fight!" He was shocked that such a nice old lady would encourage a little boy to egg on violence in hockey. It became clear what she had meant after the Winterhawks made their first score :)

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