Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shastri Portland to North Carolina Roadtrip... COMPLETE!

Wow. What day is it? Thursday. In the month of August, I have been in/through 11 states and 3 different timezones. And now I'm sitting in Malmö, Sweden trying to recall it all.

Here's the jist.

Tuesday: Started from Portland. Drove to the bay. Arrived Palo Alto, CA. Met longtime friend who currently works at Stanford.

Wednesday: Saratoga, CA for Lunch. Had Thai Food Dinner and Gelato (now called the usual) with cousins in Mountain View, CA. Spent night in San Francisco,CA with soon-to-be married cousin... so now I have the scoop on his wedding :)

Thurday: Tried to accomplish Reson work - didn't work so well. Met the Bordeaux Peeps :)

Friday: Lunch with cousin at El Salvadorian Resto. Made 12 noon decision to go to Santa Barbara, CA. Arrived Santa Barbara evening time. Partied Fiesta.

Saturday: Finished Reson work. Partied Fiesta.

Sunday: Drove San Diego, CA

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday : Tuscon, AZ with 4 samoyeds, 3 cats, 2 humans and a turtle

Thursday: El Paso, TX. No offense, but A-hole of America... we were at a truckers stop right on the US-Mexican border. And I thought Fres-nasty was bad, hehe :)

Friday: Austin, TX. Met my freshman year UCSB roomie and her two kids. Stayed with Singaporean cousin in her Mother-in-Law layout home.

Saturday, Sunday: Enjoyed weekend in Austin. Watched Rogue woman's "Sweet & Twisted" triathlon.

Monday, Tuesday: Fun times in New Orleans, LA. Managed to lock the keys in the car. What trip would be complete without a call to AAA?!

Wednesday: Stop over in Atlanta, GA - sorry I missed you Curly!

Thursday: Arrived Chapel Hill, NC.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Hung out w/ Bro, toured campus, checked out Franklin St., made some cupcakes, visited the Duke hospital with cousin, spent time with 2 darling little nieces

Cross Country Road Trip... done. Would I do it again? Um...I need some time to think about it :) It would definitely need to be super luxury car that was not a 5-speed transmission to start with. Nor would I choose to drive through the desert in the middle of August. Some key factors to keep in mind... hehe.

1 comment:

  1. wow shobs - you're all over the place! be sure to post pictures of your travels on here too!
