I've been carrying around this book - "The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho which was gifted by a friend just recently. I've been told (multiple times) that I need to read it. What's amazing is the reactions I've encountered just walking around with it....
1. The woman sitting next to me on my flight from San Diego to Portland said it was very good.
2. My roommate Patty-Cakes wants to borrow it because she's seen it around and heard about it a lot.
3. One of my best friends, Jena, shrieked when she saw it "I love that book! I love that author!!"
4. My massage healer friend Annique mentioned something of kings, and fables, and being a magician in one of sessions which I found so interesting because I'd just received this book.
This book is celebrating it's 20th Anniversary. I love how classics cycle their way back into society. When I actually read the book, maybe I'll manage a little book report post.
I guess I am a contrarian. I found it a cute fable. The nice thing about this book is that it depicts something profound in very simplistic terms. The irony of life is that one can find what one seeks wherever they are. The process of going "full circle" enriches one in many ways.